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Indian Nations - $24.99

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Step into a pair of leather, beaded moccasins. Manufacture, with your team, an
Indian tribe of your own. Determine laws, customs, history, daily life. Create
art and plan goals. Compete with other tribes for land and power. Compare and contrast the lives of different tribes. Live the controversy and danger along with the excitement of a raw, intriguing land.. Deal with Fate-- bad weather, snakes, encroaching settlers, vanishing land, predjudice, dwindling stock, warring , neighboring tribes.
. .
Will your tribe be more successful at keeping the white men at bay? Will a
Cochise or Geronimo or Pocahontas emerge from your tribe, your name perhaps
resonating across the plains and in the minds of men and women of the future?
It's all up to you.



